like leaves

For me, poetry is a journey. Like kicking up leaves on a mountain trail—kneeling so close I can inhale the deep, moist mycelial mat—then raising my arms to the sky’s looming winter trees.  There is a pulse waiting to be heard. We need only listen.


From childhood penning to adult immersion in the art and practice of poetics, I have followed my voice and instincts. In mid-life, I was grateful to study with incredible, generous university professors and mentors. The process of writing and learning is endless. 


I believe we are like leaves traveling through time. From our first emerging tips, to full expression in bronze and scarlets, we are slowly surrendering to earth’s umbers and grays. Even in the fallen, there are stories to be found.


My work has appeared in multiple journals and online. In 2022, Seven Kitchens Press published my first chapbook, Hush. Click here to view it: Susan Craig | Hush


I hope you will enjoy the work displayed here. Please contact me if you would like to learn more, or to arrange a small group experience.